Holistic Health
Taking your health into your own hands means having a growth mindset.
You can open yourself to change by choosing good nutrition and physical activity for physical health, dealing with stress and anxiety for emotional health, keeping an open-mind and learning new things for mental/brain health, figuring out your own personal path to spiritual health.
Holistic Health
Every aspect of health and wellness is important. Holistic health involves focusing on all areas:
Creating a synergistic, holistic wellness plan is about helping your mind and body work together, for your lifetime. It is looking at health and wellness from the inside-out, from choices you make every day.
Taking your health into your own hands means having a growth mindset.
You can open yourself to change by choosing good nutrition and physical activity for physical health, dealing with stress and anxiety for emotional health, keeping an open-mind and learning new things for mental/brain health, figuring out your own personal path to spiritual health.
It’s really about balancing mind, body, and spirit.
Our lives are defined not by the circumstances we face. Instead, they’re defined by how we respond to our circumstances.
It’s the same with our health and wellness. By choosing to take responsibility, and positive actions, we can become our own health advocates.
You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. -Marcus Aurelius
Holistic wellness habits don’t have to be difficult. Here are some simple, yet effective ways to be good to your “whole self.”
Drink 8 ounces of pure, mineral rich water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Hydrate frequently throughout your day.
Eat a healthy, nutrient dense foods.
Avoid processed foods.
Eat organic veggies and pastured chicken, organic grass fed beef etc.
Add more movement into your day.
Create an exercise routine. If you’re looking for a new challenge, there are tons of on-demand streaming options.
Set a walking step goal, then reach that goal.
Create a bedtime ritual to improve your sleep quality. Aim for 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Practice good self-hygiene.
Have fun with life and get in a good laugh every day.
Don’t bottle up anxious feelings. Use a journal for release of worries and fears.
Spend quality time with your family and friends often.
Forgive someone who has hurt you, including yourself.
Let go, do not let circumstances control your decisions or your life.
Avoid gossip and complaining.
Take time for self-care.
Create a music playlist of songs you love to boost your mood.
Create family traditions to enhance closer relationships.
Think about the blessings in life; do not focus on the negative.
Avoid limiting beliefs and disempowering thoughts.
Read books that inspire you. (Don’t enjoy reading? Try audible books or podcasts)
Guard your words. Speak life and abundance. No negative talk.
Take a calculated risk for your personal growth.
Learn a new skill to challenge your brain.
Play brain games: Sudoku, crossword puzzles, word search, hidden object, and others.
Cultivate an optimistic outlook.
Be adaptable in the face of an ever-changing world.
Learn to see obstacles as opportunities; become a problem-solver.
Share your knowledge and skills with others.
Become an active listener to learn from other people.
Spend at least 10 minutes each morning and evening thinking about what you are grateful for.
Be intentional in your choices and avoid rushing through life.
Go to church. Get Fellowship!
Start a Bible study.
Take time to quiet your mind.
Cultivate your creativity. Express yourself through music, art, writing, or in other ways that speak to you.
Read books that enhance your life and your faith.
Show compassion. Empathize and help others when they are facing difficult times.
Make sure your values guide your daily actions.
Be kind to others, quietly. Take time to do good within your community.
Never compromise your morals and values for self gain.
Do unto others.... you reap what you sow, so sow life, goodness, and joy!!